Fare impresa nell’era digitale: giovedì il nuovo evento Startup Grind CE

Giovedì 10 dicembre, ritorna Startup Grind Caserta, con un evento dedicato alle strategie digitali. Ospite il prof. Diego Matricano dell’Università degli Studi della Campania L. Vanvitelli.
Il ruolo del PM nelle 5 Fasi di Sviluppo del Team

Each team goes through a five-stage development path. Understanding each stage can help us guide our team to the highest maturity stage.
Issue Log Template

Collect and monitor all the issues that emerge during your project’s life cycle with this free Issue Log template.
Perché ottenere la Certificazione PMP®

Obtaining the PMP® Certification is challenging indeed, but the resulting benefits have a much higher value than the investment.
Milestone List Template

Collect and keep track of all your project’s milestones with this editable Milestone List Template.
Come definire l’ambito del progetto?

Defining the scope means clarifying the objectives, deliverables, limits, and endpoint of the project. It means, therefore, providing our project with certain foundations to build upon.
WBS Dictionary Template

Component of the Scope Baseline, the WBS Dictionary is a fundamental project document to collect all the details of each WBS element, all the information about each deliverable, and the work needed to produce them.
Gestire la conoscenza: come realizzare una Lessons Learned Session

Draw lessons from experience, learn from mistakes, and promote success.
Assumption Log Template

Collect and monitor all the assumptions and constraints identified during the project lifecycle with this free Assumption Log Template.
Knowledge Management: come gestire e trasferire le conoscenze di progetto

Contribute to the organization’s continuous improvement and create value through the acquisition, analysis, documentation, and transfer of knowledge.