Lascò Srl
Strategic Partnership for Digital Education Readiness, co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.
A conceptual framework and an LMS for Vocational Education and Training providers to create Gamified e-Learning Programs.
– FEMXA Formación S.L.U.
– Kyttaro Enallaktikon Anazitiseon Neaon
– Center for Innovative Education
– ECOS Cooperativa de Educação, Cooperação e Desenvolvimento CRL
– Bexley C-Level IT
PI-VET: Powering the Innovativon of VET
Lascò Srl
Cooperation Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.
A methodology and digital tools for Vocational Education and Training providers to co-create with their students and local stakeholder learning programs that integrate inclusive, digital and green practices.
– Institute Perspectives (Leader)
– Technological University of the Shannon
– FEMXA Formación S.L.U.
– Center for Social Innovation
Lascò Srl
Partnership for Creativity co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.
Methodologies and training tools to promote empowerment, participation, and integral development of Youth in Europe through citizen journalism, participatory video and digital storytelling tools.
– Contextos (Leader)
– Muestra Internacional de Cine FRONTEiRAS
Cooperation Partnership co-funded by the Erasmus+ Programme of the EU.
Innovative e-learning pedagogies for VET educators in the tourism field.
– Team 4 Excellence (Leader)
– Konya Provincial Directorate of Education
– Colegiul National Carol I Craiova